Monday 26 March 2012


What's new about most of the BSB rounds, several dealer open days and other biking events? Performance Parts Ltd will be there with our events trailer!

Our trailer- here's our first design!

We'll be keeping you up to date with where we'll be- so far it's all the UK BSb rounds except Donny and Knockhill, The Brighton Burnup and October's Classic Show at Stafford. 

Here's what we'll be upto - take the BSB rounds as an example:

  1. Supporting the race teams that use our stuff- eg: Gearlink Kawasaki, Swan Yahama, Samsung Honda etc
  2. Offering advice, guidance and help to anyone looking to add some 'bionics to their bike'- from exhausts, to screens, to chains, to suspension, etc
  3. Taking orders and selling items, including many race day bargains!
Come and say hi!
So, you've got to pop in and see us, what we're upto and have a general chat about how we can help make your bike better, stronger, faster....

Bionics for your Bike

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